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Travelocity 旅遊網

We are travelers and technologists. We work across time zones, hemispheres, cultures and languages. We’re used to breaking things down and building them back up again, until they’re even better. We know travel can be hard, but we also know that it’s worth it, every time. And because we believe travel is a force for good, we take our roles seriously. We’re here to build great products, and facilitate connections between travelers and our partners that truly bring good into the world.

Travelocity 旅遊網折扣碼優惠券|2023年9月最新(持續更新)

Travelocity 成立于1996年,由美國知名的旅游業者 Sabre 集團所創辦。Travelocity,世界上成立最早的在線旅游公司,2005年其旅游銷售額達到了74億美元。Travelocity 被評選為全球領先的在線旅游服務商,連續八年贏得世界旅游大獎。擁有全球數以百萬計的注冊用戶,并為世界各地使用多種語言的旅游網站提供支持。